Monday 2 October 2017

Artistic Style



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                         Photorealism is a type of art style that looks so realistic but has a slight difference for you to know it’s not, this is one of my favourite art styles because it is unique and hits the border between animated and realism. For this I’m using a character from a game that is special to me, the character is Ellie. She is one of the main characters in the game with the story and the other main character Joel, it’s such a detailed game and I love it. With the detailed side of the character you can see the different sides of pinks and skin colours of shading around the hand to show you the 3D look of it.  Also another interesting part of this style

Image result for the last of us scenery

Zombie types

Image result for the last of us zombie runner stalker clicker bloater

Runner: first stage to infection
Stalker: few years being infected and starting to grow slight fungi
Clicker: 6 years in to infection full fungi on the face, can’t see but sense to noise
Bloater: final stage of infection after 10- 12 years, fungi everywhere, can sense you with hearing and movement.


Image result for souleater

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Image result for persona 4

Anime is one of the most unique type of art styles, to start off it originates from japan and you can tell by the the way the style is shown, eyes are usually quite big and have detail on the body structure. When the style is drawn it also is over exaggerated as I said before, the eyes and also what they are wearing as in big scarfs and also big weapons. There is also a lot of shading to make it stand out more which can also relate to cell shading, this also gives the characters and 3D look even tho its 2D.
The anime's that I have shown in the pictures are:Persona 4 – action, mystery, murder, science fiction, horror                                                          Future dairy – horror, gore, murder, action, technical              Soul Eater – horror, Halloween based, gore, creepy, action                                                 

Cell Shading

Image result for the walking dead game

Image result for the wolf among us

Image result for borderlands 2 scenery

Cell shading is an artistic style that is a 3D format but and curtain lines to give the characters and landscapes a 2D kind of look. I love the way it looks as it makes it look more of a cartoon look then a realistic look. Also in some designs it gets a bit over exaggerated as the lines can be thick and bold as the lines on the forehead to the jawline and also cheek bones. Its and interesting way of trying to show 2D and £d into one. This can also be shown into landscapes as in mountains, tree scenery and ice.
Games that I have shown for cell shading are:                      The walking dead season 2 – horror, gore, fear, action and telltale  The wolf among us – fairy tale, horror, murder, mystery              Borderlands 2 – action, adventure, shooting, looting, gore        


 Image result for witcher 3 3d model

Image result for minecraft texture

Texture is a type of art style because it is used in all designs that are usually 3D.  It is a type of style that makes the part of the body look real but still looks animated. Hair is one of these textures as when a character moves the hair has to flow with the body by the way it moves and the way its shown, the defence between 2D and 3D is it’s not just on block of colour. The creator does on strand of hair piece by piece, it’s and slow process but the end result is amazing. Also a lot of shading goes into this as well and detail because if there is a curtain scar on a character they can make it look like the character was freshly cut by adding redness around the wound. You can also do this with landscapes and scenery like the bark on a tree to the stem of the leaves.
Games I used to show texture is:                                                                 Witcher 3 – fantasy, gore, science fiction, olden times         Minecraft – adventure, free roaming, building, survival                                                       

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The is a Page to talk about the work that i am going for within the future and also a bit about me. I enjoy Drawing, this is my favourite th...