My gaming machines - then & now
The first ever game machine i got was the game boy, this machine was made in 1989. It first got released in japan were it was created and them shipped world wide. I had a limited Pokemon addition one that was handed to me by my cousins. Its an amazing console to play when i was a kid and would love to have it again. The games i played on it was Pokemon, Micky mouse traps, donkey Kong country and space invaders. The format was 2D pixels.
With this machine the games were pretty basic and some games had curtain colours, also the games with simple and fun to play along with the music (theme tune) in the back ground. What else made it easier was you only had three buttons to use with every game. All the games on this are pix-elated and don't have that good graphics but for what it was back then it was awesome.
Now what i use is the console ps4. i also have a ps3 that i played before this. with this console i was also shown by my cousins again, i love this console as the graphics with the game play is just incredible. my favourite game the i play on the play station is the last of us, its amazing and the detail with the characters and the scenery is just breath taking. also you get more attached to the characters in the game and how the story has evolved from the old games to now and you can really feel and see the emotion in the game as well. Its well designed as its modern and eye catching.
The games that i have played on the play station are:
The last of us Evil within
Bio shock GTA 5
Bio shock 2 Call of duty black ops 1,2,3
Bio shock infinite Life is strange
Beyond two souls Minecraft
Second son

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