Monday 9 October 2017

Types of digital graphics

Digital Graphics

Image result for digital graphics

Raster Images

In computer graphics, Raster graphics or bitmap images is a dot of data that shows a rectangular grid of pixels in colour. This can be shown on a monitor, paper or other displays. Raster images or also saved in image files with different formats.In other terms a raster image is a very small image file and when you zoom in closer you can see each individual pixel in the image. Also if you wanted to make a raster image bigger you would loose the quality of the image and in which making it pix-elated. Types of raster images are bmp, gif, tiff, jpg.


Image result for gif


Image result for bmp image

TIFF/JPG:They've are the same but a JPG is compressed, with TIFF it can be uncompressed and compressed.

Image result for tiff format images

Vector images

Vector images is a digital image with a sequence of commands or mathematical statements that place lines and shapes in a given 2D or 3D space. In physics, a vector is quantity and a direction at the same time. This can also make the image big and the quality of the image doesn't get as much blurred as a raster image, also the difference is that a rater image is only 2D and The vector image can do 2D and 3D. Types of Vector images are PSD, WMF, FLA and AI.

Image result for vector images



Image result for wmf image


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