Monday 23 April 2018

Monday 29 January 2018

Hardware Technologies for game platforms - HCI


In computers, a joystick is a cursor control device used in computer games and assistive technology . The joystick, which got its name from the control stick used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane, is a hand-held lever that pivots on one end and transmits its coordinates to a computer.

It often has supplementary switches to control various aspects of the aircraft's flight. Joysticks are often used to control video games, and usually have one or more push-buttons whose state can also be read by the computer. A popular variation of the joystick used on modern video game consoles is the analogy stick.

A gaming keypad is a small, auxiliary keyboard designed only for gaming. It has a limited number of the original keys from a standard keyboard, and they are arranged in a more ergonomic fashion to facilitate quick and efficient gaming key presses. The commonly used keys for gaming on a computer are the 'W', 'A', 'S', 'D', and the keys close and adjacent to these keys. These keys and style of using a keyboard is referred to as WASD. A gaming keypad will not only optimise the WASD layout, but will often contain extra functionality, such as volume control, the Esc. key, and the F1–F12 keys.

Christopher Latham Sholes (February 14, 1819 – February 17, 1890) was an American inventor who invented the QWERTY keyboard, and along with Frank Haven Hall, Samuel W. Soule, Carlos Glidden and John Pratt, has been contended as one of the inventors of the first typewriter in the United States.

A gaming mouse is essentially a desktop mouse with additional functions to make it suited to computer gaming and high intensity programming. These functions often include programmable buttons, higher sensitivity, adjustable weight and faster

A racing wheel is a method of control for use in racing video games, racing simulators, and driving simulators. They are usually packaged with a large paddle styled as a steering wheel, along with a set of pedals for gas, brake, and sometimes clutch actuation, as well as various shifter controls. An analog wheel and pedal set such as this allows the user to accurately manipulate steering angle and pedal control that is required to properly manage a simulated car, as opposed to digital control such as a keyboard.

The pedal goes with the wheel so that ti works together to steer and move at the same time. This gives the player more of a feel of being in an actual car.

Kinect is an add-on device for the Microsoft Xbox 360 gaming system that enables users to control games, movies and music with physical motion or voice commands and without the need for a separate input controller like a joystick or keyboard.

The PlayStation Camera is a rectangular black device that plugs into the back of the PS4. ... TheCamera actually houses two definition-stereoscopic wide-angle cameras.
t also functions as a Kinect-style device for motion-controlled games, used in conjunction with the light bar on the back of the controller. Further, the Camera lets you command your PS4 with voice and motion controls, with functions such as launching a game or returning to the home screen.MOTION CONTROLLERS (WII REMOTE, PLAY STATION MOVE)

Speech-generating devices (SGDs), also known as voice output communication aids, are electronic augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems used to supplement or replace speech or writing for individuals with severe speech impairments, enabling them to verbally communicate.


The Oculus Rift is a virtual reality headset developed and manufactured by Oculus VR, a division of Facebook Inc., released on March 28, 2016. Oculus initiated a Kickstarter campaign in 2012 to fund the Rift's-development, after being founded as an independent company two months prior.

The HTC Vive is a virtual reality headset developed by HTC and Valve Corporation. The headset uses "room scale" tracking technology, allowing the user to move in 3D space and use motion-tracked handheld controllers to interact with the environment.

The HTC Vive was unveiled during HTC's Mobile World Congress keynote in March 2015. Development kits were sent out in August and September 2015, and the first Consumer version of the device was released on April 5th, 2016.


-sound produced by continuous and regular vibrations, as opposed to noise.

-the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds.

-the visual images and symbols used in a work of art or the study or interpretation of these.


-the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.

-A metaphor is a figure of speech that directly refers to one thing by mentioning another for rhetorical effect It may provide clarity or identify hidden similarities between two ideas.

Theme songs from games that show information to the player:

This video makes sound to show the player that the character they are playing is in pain and about to die.

This is a video to show the sound of a car, This shows that the players cars engine is working.

This is a sound effect to show you have collected a coin.

Listen to at least 5 different pieces of gaming music/FX
Why did the game maker use this music and its sound FX?

Because it matches the tone of the game and sets the mood.

Did it work? If so or not, Why?

Yes for most because the emotion of the characters went well with the music.
Would you use different music/sound FX and why?
For the others i would change the base and give it more depth.

Research (on-line/journals in library)
i went onto youtube and chose a random selection of music from games.

Why is music and sound FX so important within games development?

Because it gives the player sense to the story that is being told and how that noise can lead to something further on into the game. its sets the mood and the tone of the game.

What is waveform, (wavelength, amplitude, frequency); pitch; Hertz (Hz); decibel level (dB); sound generator (loudspeaker)?
Look at a dictionary definition first.

A waveform is the shape and form of a signal such as a wave moving in a physical medium or an abstract representation.

In physics, the wavelength of a sinusoidal wave is the spatial period of the wave—the distance over which the wave's shape repeats, and thus the inverse of the spatial frequency.

Amplitude, in physics, the maximum displacement or distance moved by a point on a vibrating body or wave measured from its equilibrium position. It is equal to one-half the length of the vibration path.

For an oscillating or varying current, frequency is the number of complete cycles per second in alternating current direction. The standard unit of frequency is the hertz, abbreviated Hz.
A pitch is the quality of a sound governed by the rate of vibrations producing it; the degree of highness or loertz is the SI unit of frequency, equal to one cycle per second.

Definition and examples. The decibel (DB) is used to measure sound level, but it is also widely used in electronics, signals and communication. The dB is a logarithmic way of describing a ratio. The ratio may be power, sound pressure, voltage or intensity or several other things.

A sound generator is a vibrating object which produces a sound. There are two main kinds of sound generators (thus, two main kinds of musical instruments).

What is Foley?
relating to or concerned with the addition of recorded sound effects after the shooting of a film.

Music, FX and legal considerations

1. List a range of music/FX sources.

The last of us theme song: image
Image result for black ops origins

Call of duty black ops 2 Origins story theme song:

2. Using at least 3 of your favourite games explain the purpose of game music

With the last of us theme song kicks in, this is a very important part of the game as this is when a character suddenly dies called Sarah(joels daughter). The emotion comes flooding in as you are shook after only a few seconds of game play.The suspense is literally right in front of you, as soon as you hear those gun shots action is there also. This theme song adapts well as it really shows the sadness in the game right from the beginning.

In black ops, this intro is very unique and different to the last of us as It sounds more badass and out going, there is allot more action too. Through out the clip, the story and the music together gives you the emotion of war and a fearful atmosphere, you also feel creeped out by the story as well. The suspense is when you see the characters of the game having there little moment battling the undead.
3. What are the legal considerations needed when obtaining or using Music/FX?

Here is a link to show what is needed for obtaining or using music and also to show what copy right means within it.

Sound File Formats:


Wav: Waveform audio File Format, a format for storing uncompressed audio files. It tends to be larger than an mp3 because it hasn't been compressed at all.

Aiff: Audio Interchange File Format. It is an uncompressed lossless file.

Au: It was introduced by Sun Microsyste,s and it was more common on earlier forms of web pages. It is an uncompressed file.

Smp: This file extension is refered to as SmartMusic Peformance.


Lossy Compression

Mp3: This is the standard format for compressed sound files and this makes it into a much smaller file compared to an uncompressed file. You will most commonly see this file on a mobile phone with downloaded music.

Ra: This file is known as Real Audio File and it is also compressed.

Vox: This file contains MetaVoice audio data, it is also compressed making it a much smaller file.
Audio Sampling
1. How can resolution and bit-depth constrain file size?

The greater the ‘bit depth’ the finer the levels of change that can be recorded so the higher fidelity the gradations of the image. Naturally the equipment to perform this task this is more expensive and the resulting file size is correspondingly larger. As a consequence more space is needed in the computer system to handle and store the image. Depending upon scanning options, bit depth can be 24, 30, 36, 48 or even 64

Note: the file format used to save the image information can change the figure calculated but not by a vast amount. Files can of course be 'compressed'.
So it's the 'expanded' or uncompressed file size that's really important.

2. Explain what the following words mean: 

Sample rate:Sample rate is the number of samples of audio carried per second, measured in Hz or kHz (one kHz being 1 000 Hz).

Mono:By Vangie Beal Commonly called mono sound, mono, or non-stereo sound, this early sound system used a single channel of audio for sound output. In monophonic sound systems, the signal sent to the sound system encodes one single stream of sound and it usually uses just one speaker.

Stereo:sound that is directed through two or more speakers so that it seems to surround the listener and to come from more than one source; stereophonic sound.

Surround sound:a system of stereophony involving three or more speakers surrounding the listener so as to give a more realistic effect.

Audio Limitations of Games Platforms

How can the following information limit the recording of sound?

DSP – Digital Signal Processor
RAM – Random Access Memory
File format (eg Mp3, Wav, Aiff)
Audio output (eg Mono, Stereo, Surround).
PCM – Pulse Code Modulation

Audio Recording Systems

In what types of scenario may you use the following audio recording equipment?

For example, Multi-track recording, Midi – Multi Instrument Interface, DAT, Analogue, Software Plug-in’s, Software Sequencer.

Monday 4 December 2017

Alpha and Beta

 Alpha Testing

Typically, software goes through two stages of testing before it is considered finished. The first stage, called alpha testing, is often performed only by users within the organisation developing the software. The second stage, called beta testing , generally involves a limited number of external users.

Beta Testing

In software development, a beta test is the second phase of software testing in which a sampling of the intended audience tries the product out. Beta is the second letter of the Greek alphabet. Originally, the term alpha test meant the first phase of testing in a software development process.

Monday 27 November 2017

software testing



Regression testing is a type of software testing which verifies that software which was previously developed and tested still performs the same way after it was changed or interfaced with other software. Changes may include software enhancements, patches, configuration changes, etc.


Smoke Testing, also known as “Build Verification Testing”, is a type of software testing that comprises of a The results of this testing is used to decide if a build is stable enough to proceed with further testing.
non-exhaustive set of tests that aim at ensuring that the most important functions work.


Clean room testing is a technique extracted from a software development practice
known as Clean room Software Engineering. The original purpose of Clean room testing
was to exercise software in order to make mean time to failure (MTTF) measurements
over the course of the project. In this chapter, Clean room testing is applied to the
problem of why customers find problems in games after they have been through thou-
sands of hours of testing before being released. If one measure of a game's success is
that the users (players) will not find any bugs, then the game team's test strategy
should include a way to detect and remove the defects that are most likely to be found.


Ad hoc testing is a commonly used term for software testing performed without planning and documentation, but can be applied to early scientific experimental studies.
The tests are intended to be run only once, unless a defect is discovered. Ad hoc testing is the least formal test method. As such, it has been criticised because it is not structured and hence defects found using this method may be harder to reproduce (since there are no written test cases). However, the strength of ad hoc testing is that important defects can be found quickly.
It is performed by improvisation: the tester seeks to find bugs by any means that seem appropriate. Ad hoc testing can be seen as a light version of error guessing, which itself is a light version of exploratory testing.


A software testing life cycle (STLC) is a set of steps used to test software products. Software testing is a critical part of preparing software for use, and a STLC helps make this process more sophisticated, consistent and effective.


White-box testing (also known as clear box testing, glass box testing, transparent box testing, and structural testing) is a method of testing software that tests internal structures or workings of an application, as opposed to its functionality (i.e. black-box testing).


Black-box testing is a method of software testing that examines the functionality of an application without peering into its internal structures or workings. This method of test can be applied virtually to every level of software testing: unit, integration, system and acceptance.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Legal & Ethical Considerations

Legal & Ethical Considerations

What is Copyright Law?

Copyright is a legal right created by the law of a country that allows the creator of an original idea to have exclusive rights for its use and distribution. This is usually only for a limited time. The exclusive rights are not always forever but limited by limitations and exceptions to copyright law, including fair use.

Image result

What is intellectual property?

This is a right that is had by a person or by a company to have exclusive rights to use its own plans, ideas, or other assets without the worry of competition, at least for a specific period of time. These rights can include copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets.

Image result for intellectual property

What is the Equality & Diversity Law?

Discrimination occurs when someone directly or indirectly treats a person or a group of people unfavourably because of a protected characteristic of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.The law is there to show that every workplace or other has to be environmentally friendly to all of the population, this can be if you are male or female and other.
Related image

How are Female characters represented in games?

The way of men and women in video games, as in other media, is a subject  in gender studies and is discussed in the context of sexism in video gaming.
Although women make are half of the video game players, they are significantly underrepresented as characters in mainstream games/ main role, despite this the iconic heroines such as Samus Aran or Lara Croft. The portrayal of women in games often shows traditional gender roles, sexual objectification or negative stereotypes. Male characters are often stereo typically depicted as big and muscular, and LGBT characters have been slow to appear in video games as a result of the heterosexuality of the medium.This indicates that how genders are portrayed in games can influence players' perception of gender roles, and that young girls prefer to play a character of their own gender much more than boys do. On average, female-led games sell fewer copies than male-led ones, but also have lower marketing budgets.

Related image

What is PEGI?

The Pan-European Game Information (PEGI) age rating system was established to help European parents make informed decisions on buying computer games.
Image result for What is PEGI?

Who are the BBFC?

The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC),  the British Board of Film Censors, is a 
non-government organisation, founded by the film industry in 1912 and responsible for the national classification and censorship of films exhibited at cinemas and video works (such as television programmes, trailers, adverts, public Information/campaigning films, menus, bonus content etc.) released on physical media within the United Kingdom. It has a statutory requirement to classify videos, DVDs and, to a lesser extent, some video games under the Video Recordings Act 1984.

Image result for Who are the BBFC?

What are the ASA codes of conduct?

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is the UK’s independent regulator of advertising across all media. We apply the Advertising Codes, which are written by the Committees of Advertising Practice (CAP).

What is Libel?

Defamation, calumny, vilification, or traducement is the communication of a false statement that harms the reputation of an individual person, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation.

Image result for Libel

Game graphics Specification

Computer Game graphics:

Graphic Specification

Client Needs:

Client needs is where the person or for example your boss has asked you to design all of the things that they have listed on there brief and design it they way they want it and to there standards. Usually this type of work has always got to be top standard depending on what your are creating.


With the brief, the target audience can very and briefs can be rated. For example if you are design a game were sex and violence is involved this would be rated an 18+ game because it is not appropriate for under teens and children under the age of 18+.

Thumbnail sketching:

Thumbnail sketching is where you are just roughly coming up with ideas for the brief you are given and these sketches should take you up to 10 to 15 seconds max. So the final result is you have a lot of ideas done on paper and then you pick out a few to work on and improve.

Visual style:

This where in the brief The client can ask fro a certain style of the art in the design, this can be photo-realism to a cartoon look such as anime and 2D pixel (retro) theme. Depending on what game it is for example, if it was based for children over 7 then it is usually cartoon themed and 2D and sometimes 3D but this is down to what the client wants it to be as well.


This is were the rule of thirds comes in to place. In the video game this is were everything looks perfectly in place, this can be the health bar to how the Background and the setting is laid out. So it makes the game look professional and not all over the place.


The typography sets the mood and the atmosphere of the game that you are making. For example of your game was a fighter combat game then your logo and the typo needs to be sharp and tough looking to go with the theme of the game, and also quite intriguing to catch the target market.

Technical considerations:
This is where you have got all your assets and your making the product of the game, for example this is were you would name all your file assets and what they will be for your game and to the briefs standards. The is also file compression's and optimising, this is were you are reducing the size of the file and so its not taking up so much space as you are also restricted to how much memory you have to make it. When naming the files you also need to know what format it is so this can be a GIF, JPEG e.g. You have to manage these files as well so you know whats what.

Monday 6 November 2017

Unit 78: Digital Graphics for Computer Games

BTEC Level 3 Games Design
Unit 78: Digital Graphics for Computer Games
Assessor name: Josh Rai

Student Name: Leah Doohan

In the assignment I will be describing about two games, one 3D and the other 2D. I will be talking about the graphics of the game and the contrast. The types I will be showing are Artistic style, Computer game graphics, Pixel, Types of Digital Graphics, File Extensions, Compression, Image Capture, Optimising, and Storage of Image Assets.

The games that I have chosen:
3D: Beyond two souls - 2013
2D: Yoshi’s Island DS – 2006

Art style: Beyond two souls 3D

The art style for this game is photorealism. This game is as beautiful as the way it has been displayed. What I mean by photorealism is that it looks like it is a photo from real life but it is not, it really plays with your mind but it is very clever. In the game, the main character (Jodie) has so much detail from the face all the way down. You can even see the different skin tones on the face to the mouth etc. Through the game you see a lot of scenery as there’s parts that would you go through, bars, trains and even power stations and they all look so realistic.
Jodie’s hair is also a good way so show photo realism, what makes this so believable is that the hair flows with the body and also how the way the hair settles is just amazing, you can even see the shine on the hair when you pass street lights are some sort of light. This also goes with the skin reflecting light as to the clothes too. There is a part in the game were you are training is the army, you are doing a routine exercise and through it the weather looks so real and the way the mud splashes look is just genius. This really makes the player see the moods of the game and also effects the player’s emotions while playing it.

Here in a link to show you the mud and the way the weather looks in the game when Jodie is doing the excise/ go to 6 minutes and 26 seconds:

Art style: Yoshi’s island 2D

The art style for Yoshi’s Island is pixel Art, Pixel Art is an old retro type of style but is one of my favourites.  It is a mixture of colours (elements) on a Grid. This art is bold and very colourful by the way the characters and the game scenery have been designed. The characters in the game are 2D flat based but sometimes they look 3D by the way the colours have been shown on them same with the backgrounds of the game.
This can be similar to the light tones that I explained earlier how in the curtain parts of the game, the shadow parts of the characters in Yoshi goes down the pipes have different shading to the way his shading tones are on the surface.  The toning is usually more in the background then more on Yoshi.

Here is a link to show you the shadowed parts of the game by the art style/ go to 2 minutes 37 seconds:

Computer game graphics: beyond two souls 3D

Concept art is one common type of design in production. This type of design can be used in video game but can be used in other ways such as animation, films and architect design; also it is used in a lot of illustrations. The type of art is before the final project. For example it is how the characters and the scenery is going to be designed. For beyond two souls they did something different with the way they were going to make their characters. They used motion Capture (MC) this is very good way to make your characters look exactly like you want them to look. For this the creators used Ellen Page and the main character Jodie and for her canceller in the game they used Willem Dafoe. 
Motion capture was also used for all of the stunts in the game and scenery. To summarise what motion capture is, it is a software program that allows you to pick up the pointed on the actors in 3D and is able to put there body structure on to the computer for then the designers to add the final details to the characters and scenery. For example, colour and skin tones, lighting and textures to the game as well. This is also how they created Aiden’s ghostly figure and effects too as the glow follows Jodie in the game and the way they had to make that look 3D is by doing the same effect with the characters with the special effects too. (Aiden is Jodie’s dead brother, another character) You can see in the photos at the top and below, this is what motion capture looks like.Image result for motion capture beyond two souls

Here is a video showing how they did motion capture:

Here is a video to show the concept art and the designs leading up to it:

Here is an Illustration of Aiden in the image bellow:
Image result for beyond two souls aiden

Computer game graphics: Yoshi’s Island 2D

The concept art from Yoshi’s island is a lot different to how beyond two sols displayed their game. As this is a 2D game they didn’t use motion capture they used 64- bit machine. This is retro type of game and in this time this game was based for children to play and that is why this game is simple and colourful to capture the eye. Artoon were the designers that created the concept art for the game, they wanted to make the game look as if it was drawn by crayon in curtain parts of the game. They made a texture for it that looked like crayon.

Also for the concept art, the menu screen is very creative by the way they have displayed it, they make it look 3D by the Island that has been shown in he middle rotated 360, so you see the whole island at the beginning. The only thing on the menu screen that is 2d is the logo. Even the art for the sky is animated and made to look 3D with the clouds in the background and the different shades of blue in the sky.

The colour scheme for this was very basic but in a way would make you want to play it. The character Yoshi in the game came with a choice of different colours for you to choose which one you wanted to play as which made the game that a bit more funnier. The game its self is creative by how the different levels are designed and are very similar to super Mario bros. This game was meant to be a sequel to the Mario bros but the creator Shigeru Miyamoto wanted Yoshi to have his own spin off in a sense, have if own story to how he got to the Mario brothers.

Here is a link to show you the main menu you 360 terms/ go to 26 seconds:

Pixel / Resolution: beyond two souls 3D / Yoshi’s island 2D

A pixel is an element that is visual on a display screen wither you are playing a videogame on the console or pc. An image consists a lot of pixels just to make one full image. Higher resolution images is it harder to see the pixels unless you zoom in as the about of detail is in that image and depending on how big the picture is. In Beyond two souls the resolution is very high as the concept art that goes with it is very detailed. This also goes with the size of the pixels would roughly be 1920 x 1800 as this is also to do with the hardware running the game as well.
With Yoshi’s island you can’t customise as it is retro and doesn’t have that advanced settings, also it’s a DS game so it’s not running on such a good hardware compared to beyond two souls. The size of the pixel resolution would be 360 x 480 as it’s a small screen display. Most games now have advanced settings that allow you to customise the way the display is if they don’t have a limit to 1800p. In beyond two souls you can see the high resolution and detail to the game.

As you can see the lights and the colours in this image is strong and powerful and the resolution is high with the pixels too in this. The main menu is also amazing on how it is done as each chapter you finish the menu screen updates Jodie to an older version of her self as you play through her story.
Here is a link to show the detail of the main menu screen display of beyond two souls:

This video will show you the intro to Yoshi’s island so you can see the difference in detail.
Here is a link to show some game play of Yoshi’s island / go to one minute 18 seconds:

Types of digital graphics: Beyond two souls 3D / Yoshi’s Island 2D

Digital graphics is the different scenes and backgrounds of the game; this also is if you playing as curtain game that needs extra navigation there are usually a little map on the display screen. This can be heaths bars too and other things that need displaying on the screen the backgrounds are the key to really showing the games setting and giving you the mood of what the game is all about. 3D games it is a lot more visual then a 2D game because the character is able to go in any direction of the game un like 2D which you can only go a curtain way on the screen. This doesn’t mean that 2D can’t be detailed. In 2D the screen is mostly the background and it follows the character as it goes through to the next level.

For beyond two souls there are so many parts of it that are just brilliant, for the start menu as I explained earlier, it shows Jodie in the stages of her growing up through the game. And the in game display has a few features come up depending on what part of the game you are playing or when the player is in control.

There is also box art which is what the game comes in and what is in the box. So the front of the box will have Illustrations of the game which catches the eye and then the content inside will be How to play the game, as booklet to show you all the controls and also items in the game and what they mean this can also be for Yoshi’s Island as well. There are also posters for the game to make sure sales go well and for people to go and by it, this is printed media. This can be shown in adverts, trailers and posters that can be shown on the sides of the bus. Here are examples of printed media, (The playing disc is also be decorated).

Here is a link to show you these parts of the features I have shown / go to 1 hour, 45 minutes and 51 seconds:

For Yoshi's Island there is a few features to the game, most of them involve you interacting with the timing of when to shoot and what you’re aiming for.  The way it is done is simple but fun. You are usually shooting eggs at enemies that are being made by Yoshi himself. The number on the screen symbolises how many flowers you have picked up and that also tells you that you have been given an extra life.

File Extension / Compression: Beyond two souls 3D / Yoshi's Island 2D

 A file extension is where it is the end of a file name that helps in defining the type of file it is on what system you are using. So for example if you were saving a file on illustrator you would save it as image.jpg.  The most common of formats are JPEG, GIF and also Mp3 and 4 for converting music.  So for games developers they wanted lossless, this means that the image is reduced without losing any of the quality for that image. When making game it is important to make sure everything is labelled so that it stops wasting time on trying to find a file and to decrease the amount of bugs to fix. The file being labelled makes it lossy. As beyond two souls is a big game there would be so many assets to find and doing  so they need to be all labelled to stop further bugs in the game and to all of the further updates into the game too that would need to be linked with the game. For Yoshi's Island it can be just as difficult but not as bad because there are fewer assets to the game and less bugs to fix.

  Image capture: Beyond two souls 3D / Yoshi's Island 2D

Image capture is where you can take a photo in real life and also from the internet. It is easier now to capture an image as technology has progressed through the years. The most popular way is by taking photos by your phone or tablet or any device that has a camera to it can capture an image. You can Also do it by getting a usual standard camera but that has now advanced to DSLR which is allot of higher quality. You can also take screen shots of the internet and also on console while in the game play.

For Beyond two souls tried to do a similar layout to San Francisco for the scenery but adding in there on details to you can't really tell, through the game there are lots of different areas that look similar to real life places but changed in the way that you can't tell. An easier way to show an example of image capture for this s how they did the actors from real life with motion capture which I explained earlier.

For Yoshi's island on the other hand didn't really use this that much as it was all designed and illustrated on to the computer. Also this game is more cartoon based them real life but that is what makes it interesting. Which this image capture would be internet form.

Optimising: Beyond Two souls 3D / Yoshi's Island 2D

Optimising is making the best of use of a resource or a situation. For a game this would be making sure the game is running to its full capability and the resolution is at its highest. This also can be making sure game has no bugs or glitches while playing.  Also this can be as making sure it is on the best software and hardware to run. For beyond two souls this will have to be a big hardware and operating system for it to run smoothly. For Yoshi's Island it is Easier to run smoothly as it doesn't need s big operating system to run it and for it to run smoothly is to making sure everything is to its highest ability, this includes resolution but doesn't need much as it is on DS.

Storage of assets: Beyond two souls 3D / Yoshi's Island 2D

Storage is very important in making games as the developers do not want to be able to refer back to a curtain part in the game and having to go through all of the assets just to find that one part so they can adjust it to the way they would like it to be. This goes back to file extensions as labelling all the assets in storage to go Easily back to the item you were looking for.  Beyond two souls has allot of assets from when the scenery with each tree to the parts in the game were the characters are dressed in different clothes and what items that they are going to use. For Yoshi's island this would be a lot easier to find as there are less assets to find.

First version of the game, 1995.  

RELEASED 2013, 8 October

job application

The is a Page to talk about the work that i am going for within the future and also a bit about me. I enjoy Drawing, this is my favourite th...